Pepadocs is compatible with Zapier!
To use Zappier, you need the appropriate and a account.
To start the connection, go to your Management Panel, under "Connectors".
You will then be able to create your API key and enter it into Zapier
Here are the triggers available at the moment:
-Documents: New Report
This action occurs when a new response is sent for a specific report template, you then get all the fields filled in, the key being the uniqueId of the field, and the value is always an array, because a field can have several values.
-DataBase: When a new row is created
When a new row is created in one of your databases, you get the whole row and its data.
-DataBase: When a row is edited
When a line is edited in one of your databases, you recover the whole line and its new data.
-DataBase: When a row is deleted
When a row is deleted in one of your databases, you recover its id.
If you have any questions or need help with the implementation: [email protected]